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International Journal of Clinical Research. 2023; 7: (3) ; 10.12208/j.ijcr.20230108 .

Regulation mechanism of adipocyte differentiation and its effect on metabolism

作者: 李滟镕, 孙一凡, 余飘, 于莉莉 *

新乡医学院基础医学院 河南新乡 新乡市肝肠肿瘤免疫检查点药物研发工程中心 河南新乡

新乡医学院基础医学院 河南新乡

*通讯作者: 于莉莉,单位:新乡医学院基础医学院 河南新乡 新乡市肝肠肿瘤免疫检查点药物研发工程中心 河南新乡;

引用本文: 李滟镕, 孙一凡, 余飘, 于莉莉 脂肪细胞分化的调控机制及其对机体代谢的影响[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2023; 7: (3) : 1-8.
Published: 2023/3/19 16:22:31



关键词: 肥胖;脂肪细胞;细胞分化;代谢平衡


Obesity is one of the worldwide health problems, which is often accompanied by insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, hepatic steatosis, coagulation and hypertension. Adipocytes not only play a key role in energy storage, but also have an important impact on the balance of energy metabolism. In fact, the increase of adipocytes can effectively isolate lipids and prevent the accumulation of lipids in other tissues, such as muscle, liver and heart, which is also closely related to the maintenance of metabolic function in obesity-related pathological conditions. This review will explore the regulatory mechanism of adipocyte differentiation and discuss the effect of adipocytes on metabolic balance.

Key words: Obesity;Adipocyte;Cell differentiation;Metabolic balance

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