Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing
Journal of Advances in Clinical Nursing. 2023; 2: (1) ; 10.12208/j.jacn.20230048 .
总浏览量: 308
中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九二〇医院骨科八病区 云南昆明
*通讯作者: 宋晓艳,单位:中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九二〇医院骨科八病区 云南昆明;
目的 对快速康复外科理念在创伤骨科围手术期的具体应用进行分析。方法 为了促进创伤骨科患者围术期护理水平的提升,研究就快速康复外科理念的具体应用效果展开深入的探讨,将本院86例创伤骨科治疗患者作为研究对象进行分组,并在分组后分别实施不同的护理干预措施,将两组患者护理后得到的不同护理结果进行比对。结果 比较发现,两组患者的护理效果明显具有比较大的差异(P<0.05)。结论 在创伤骨科患者的治疗过程中为其采取快速康复外科理念可以有效的促进患者治疗效果的提升,改善其护理水平。
Objective To analyze the application of the concept of fast track surgery in the perioperative period of orthopaedic trauma. Methods in order to promote patients with traumatic orthopedic perioperative nursing level of ascension, the idea of surgical research has fast rehabilitation concrete application effect on in-depth discussion, will be in our hospital 86 cases of traumatic orthopedic treatment patients to group as the research object, and after the grouping different nursing intervention measures, respectively, the two groups of patients nursing after get different results. Results The nursing effect of the two groups was significantly different (P < 0.05). Conclusion Adopting the concept of fast track surgery in the treatment of traumatic orthopedics patients can effectively promote the treatment effect of patients and improve their nursing level.
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