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International Journal of Nursing Research

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International Journal of Nursing Research. 2023; 5: (1) ; 10.12208/j.ijnr.20230036 .

Study on the effect of weight loss after personalized intervention of overweight and obese children based on electronic platform extension service

作者: 时春华 *, 李园园

太仓市第一人民医院 江苏太仓

*通讯作者: 时春华,单位:太仓市第一人民医院 江苏太仓;

引用本文: 时春华, 李园园 基于电子平台的延伸服务对超重、肥胖患儿进行个性化干预后减重效果的研究[J]. 国际护理学研究, 2023; 5: (1) : 110-112.
Published: 2023/1/31 21:22:23


目的 论基于电子平台的延伸服务的个性化干预在超重、肥胖患儿中的应用。方法 随机选择在我院医治的儿科内分泌专科就诊及儿科病房住院患儿中符合超重以上标准的儿童病例100例,按时间先后顺序分组,其中50例采取常规护理(对照组),另50例实施基于电子平台的延伸服务的个性化干预(干预组),经观察对比,得出结论。结果 对于各项数据的对比来说,干预组护理方法的各项数据更加有优势,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。护理之后干预组患者干预后体成分各指标、干预后其他体成分指标明显优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 使用本研究方法进行护理,不仅对内脏减脂、减肥、腰臀围有很好的效果,而且这种方法安全、简单、易于实施,值得临床推广应用。

关键词: 个性化干预;肥胖;超重


Objective: To discuss the application of personalized intervention of extended service based on electronic platform in overweight and obese children.
Methods: 100 cases of children who met the criteria of overweight or above in pediatric endocrinology specialty and pediatric ward treated in our hospital were randomly selected and grouped in chronological order, of which 50 cases were treated with routine nursing (control group) and the other 50 cases were treated with personalized intervention based on extended service based on electronic platform (intervention group). After observation and comparison, a conclusion was drawn.
Results: for the comparison of various data, the data of nursing methods in the intervention group were more advantageous, and the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05). After nursing, the indexes of body composition and other body composition indexes in the intervention group were significantly better than those in the control group (P < 0.05).
Conclusion  : using this research method for nursing, not only has a good effect on visceral fat reduction, weight loss and waist hip circumference, but also this method is safe, simple and easy to implement, which is worthy of clinical application.

Key words: Personalized Intervention; Obesity; Overweight

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