International Journal of Nursing Research
International Journal of Nursing Research. 2023; 5: (1) ; 10.12208/j.ijnr.20230025 .
总浏览量: 350
贵州医科大学附属医院儿科综合病房 贵州贵阳
*通讯作者: 李廷莲,单位:贵州医科大学附属医院儿科综合病房 贵州贵阳;
目的 探讨在儿科神经内科护理实习教学中应用临床路径式教学的效用价值。方法 此次研究共选取64名护生进行对比试验,采取摇号方式将其分为对照与观察两个组别,均为32名护生,前者沿用常规带教方式,后者实施临床路径式教学,对比两组实际效果。结果 结合实验结果来看,观察组护生各项考核成绩均优于对照组与带教前,与此同时对带教工作满意度较高(P<0.05)。结论 将临床护理路径带教模式应用在儿科神经内科教学中能够有效提升护理人员专业水平,相比传统教学模式其对教学模式的满意度较高。
Objective: To investigate the utility value of clinical pathway teaching in the teaching of paediatric neurology practice. Methods: A total of 64 nursing students were selected for this study, and they were divided into two groups, control and observation, both with 32 nursing students, with the former following the conventional teaching method and the latter implementing clinical pathway teaching, to compare the actual effects of the two groups. Results: In combination with the experimental results, the nursing students in the observation group outperformed the control group and the pre-teaching group in all assessments, and at the same time were more satisfied with the teaching work (P < 0.05). Conclusion : The application of the clinical care pathway teaching model to the teaching of paediatric neurology can effectively improve the professional level of nursing staff, and their satisfaction with the teaching model is higher than that of the traditional teaching model.
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