International Journal of Internal Medicine
International Journal of Internal Medicine. 2023; 4: (1) ; 10.12208/j.ijim.20230011 .
总浏览量: 629
湖北省十堰市湖北医药学院附属太和医院神经内科 湖北十堰
*通讯作者: 全变瑞,单位:湖北省十堰市湖北医药学院附属太和医院神经内科 湖北十堰;
目的 探究在脑卒中(缺血性)患者中应用心理护理的效果。方法 文章研究时间2021年2月到2022年5月,共选取研究患者60人,选自院内神经内科,分成研究组、对照组,每组30例,比对组间护理效果。结果 研究组缺血性脑卒中病人经心理护理后,心理状态明显改善,常见负面情绪评分均下降,患者的强迫症状、躯体化行为评分低于对照组,P值<0.05;干预前,2组脑卒中病人各项量表分值差异小,干预后研究组患者自理能力、神经功能和运动能力与对照组相比,分数优势明显,P值<0.05。结论 在脑卒中(缺血性)患者中应用心理护理,可以明显改善患者的心理状态,提高预后运动和自理能力。
Objective To explore the effect of psychological nursing in stroke (ischemic) patients. Methods the research time of the article was from February 2021 to may 2022. A total of 60 patients were selected from the Department of Neurology in the hospital and divided into the study group and the control group, with 30 cases in each group. The nursing effects between the groups were compared. Results after psychological nursing, the psychological status of ischemic stroke patients in the study group was significantly improved, and the scores of common negative emotions were decreased. The scores of obsessive-compulsive symptoms and somatic behavior of patients were lower than those in the control group (P < 0.05); Before the intervention, there was little difference between the scores of various scales of stroke patients in the two groups. After the intervention, the scores of self-care ability, neural function and motor ability of patients in the study group were significantly superior to those in the control group (P < 0.05); After psychological nursing intervention, all functions of stroke patients in the study group improved significantly (P < 0.05). Conclusion the application of psychological nursing in patients with cerebral apoplexy (ischemia) can significantly improve the psychological status of patients and improve the prognosis of exercise and self-care ability.
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