International Journal of Medicine and Data
International Journal of Medicine and Data. 2022; 6: (7) ; 10.12208/j.ijmd.20220311 .
总浏览量: 337
成都市双流区妇幼保健院 四川成都
*通讯作者: 刘小花,单位:成都市双流区妇幼保健院 四川成都;
目的 分析在进行育龄女性艾滋病母婴阻断工作开展过程中按照多部门联合管理干预开展对应管理工作的效果。方法 在2021年1月开始在进行育龄女性艾滋病母婴阻断管理工作中构建一套具有一定科学性、可操作性的卫生行政部门、政府部门、公安部门、妇幼保健机构、基层医院、乡村医疗点等多部门联合育龄期女性艾滋病母婴阻断的管理模式开展对应管理工作,分析实施前后各1年时间内的管理效果。结果 结合统计可以发现,在实施前1年时间内我区管理的34例育龄女性艾滋病,实施后1年时间内我区管理的43例育龄女性艾滋病,在多部门联合管理的作用下,可以显著提升育龄女性艾滋病母婴阻断的效果,提升孕妇对该方面知识的了解程度,降低婴儿死亡率并提升孩子用药率,与实施前对比,P<0.05。结论 在进行育龄女性艾滋病母婴阻断管理工作的过程中按照多部门联合管理开展对应管理工作,可以有效提升该方面管理工作的质量,对于保障孕妇以及婴幼儿健康等均存在有重要意义。
Objective: To analyze the effect of multi department joint management intervention in the process of AIDS maternal and infant interdiction among women of childbearing age. Methods: In January 2021, a set of scientific and operable management model of HIV/AIDS maternal and infant interdiction for women of childbearing age was established, which was composed of health administrative departments, government departments, public security departments, maternal and child health institutions, grass-roots hospitals, rural medical points and other departments to carry out corresponding management work, and the management effect within 1 year before and after the implementation was analyzed. Results: Combined with statistics, it can be found that 34 cases of AIDS among women of childbearing age managed by our district in the first year of implementation and 43 cases of AIDS among women of childbearing age managed by our district in the second year of implementation can significantly improve the effect of maternal and infant interruption of AIDS among women of childbearing age under the joint management of multiple departments, improve the understanding of pregnant women in this area, reduce infant mortality and increase the drug use rate of children. Compared with that before implementation, P<0.05. Conclusion : In the process of the management of maternal and infant interruption of AIDS among women of childbearing age, the corresponding management according to the joint management of multiple departments can effectively improve the quality of management in this area, which is of great significance for ensuring the health of pregnant women and infants.
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