International Journal of Medicine and Data
International Journal of Medicine and Data. 2022; 6: (7) ; 10.12208/j.ijmd.20220290 .
总浏览量: 330
昌平区中医医院 北京
*通讯作者: 张晓宇,单位:昌平区中医医院 北京;
目的 二维超声联合超声弹性成像技术诊断脂肪肝中肝纤维化的应用价值。方法 选择近2年(2020年1月-2021年12月)于我院发现脂肪肝患者200例(观察组)以及200例健康体检者(对照组)作为研究对象,均行二维超声检查、超声弹性成像检查。分析脂肪肝在二维超声下的表现,以及弹性超声下的不同程度脂肪肝的弹性值。结果 在200例传统二维超声检查对照组者中,197例超声弹性成像肝脏纤维化分级为F0-F1,3例超声弹性成像肝脏纤维化分级为F2-F3。在200例传统二维超声检查观察组者中,178例脂肪肝超声弹性成像肝脏纤维化分级为F0-F1,20例脂肪肝超声弹性成像肝脏纤维化分级为F2-F3,2例脂肪肝超声弹性成像肝脏纤维化分级为F4;超声弹性成像技术对脂肪肝患者检出肝脏纤维化的敏感性和特异性分别为99.00%、98.50%。结论 在二维超声检查下,联合超声弹性成像技术诊断脂肪肝中肝纤维化应用价值,可为临床早期做出明确的诊断提供重要的参考。
Objective: To evaluate the application of two-dimensional ultrasound combined with ultrasonic elastography in the diagnosis of hepatic fibrosis in fatty liver. Methods: 200 patients with fatty liver found in our hospital in the past two years (January 2020 December 2021) (observation group) and 200 healthy people (control group) were selected as the study subjects, who were examined by two-dimensional ultrasound and ultrasonic elastography. The features of fatty liver under two-dimensional ultrasound and the elasticity value of fatty liver under elastic ultrasound were analyzed. Results: Among 200 cases of control group with traditional two-dimensio- nal ultrasound, 197 cases were graded F0-F1 by ultrasonic elastography, and 3 cases were graded F2-F3 by ultrasonic elastography. In the 200 traditional two-dimensional ultrasound observation group, 178 cases of fatty liver fibrosis were classified as F0-F1 by ultrasonic elastography, 20 cases of fatty liver fibrosis were classified as F2-F3 by ultrasonic elastography, and 2 cases of fatty liver fibrosis were classified as F4 by ultrasonic elastography; The sensitivity and specificity of ultrasonic elastography in detecting hepatic fibrosis in patients with fatty liver were 99.00% and 98.50%, respectively. Conclusion : The application value of two-dimensional ultrasound combined with ultrasonic elastography in the diagnosis of hepatic fibrosis in fatty liver can provide important reference for early clinical diagnosis.
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