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International Journal of Clinical Research

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International Journal of Clinical Research. 2022; 6: (10) ; 10.12208/j.ijcr.20220482 .

Clinical efficacy analysis of different approaches of percutaneous endoscopic spine surgery for L5S1 disc herniation

作者: 陈隆军 *, 薛文源, 王俊江, 刘振辉, 张明

宁波鄞州浙东骨科医院脊柱外科 浙江宁波

*通讯作者: 陈隆军,单位:宁波鄞州浙东骨科医院脊柱外科 浙江宁波;

引用本文: 陈隆军, 薛文源, 王俊江, 刘振辉, 张明 不同入路经皮脊柱内镜手术治疗L5S1椎间盘突出症患者的临床疗效分析[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2022; 6: (10) : 94-96.
Published: 2022/12/29 23:17:35


目的 分析不同入路经皮脊柱内镜手术治疗L5S1椎间盘突出症患者效果。方法 选择100例L5S1椎间盘突出症病患为研究样本。分为P组、M组,P组接受经皮脊柱内镜椎间盘摘除术,M组接受椎间盘镜术。分析结果。结果 P组疗效好于M组,P<0.05;P组术中出血量少,切口短,P<0.05;P组术后3d疼痛分数更低,术后1个月腰椎功能评分更高,P<0.05;P组术后生活质量更好,P<0.05。结论 经皮脊柱内镜椎间盘摘除术治疗L5S1椎间盘突出症效果更好,建议推广。

关键词: 经皮脊柱内镜椎间盘摘除术;椎间盘镜术;腰椎间盘突出症;疗效


Objective To analyze the effect of different approaches of percutaneous endoscopic spine surgery on patients with L5S1 disc herniation.
Methods 100 patients with L5S1 disc herniation were selected as the study sample. They were divided into group P and group M. Group P underwent percutaneous endoscopic discectomy and group M underwent endoscopic discectomy. Analyze the results.
Results The curative effect of group P was better than group M (P < 0.05). Group P had less intraoperative blood loss and shorter incision, P < 0.05; Group P had lower pain score 3 days after operation and higher lumbar function score 1 month after operation (P < 0.05). The postoperative quality of life was better in group P (P < 0.05).
Conclusion   Percutaneous endoscopic spinal discectomy is better in the treatment of L5S1 disc herniation and should be popularized.

Key words: Percutaneous endoscopic spinal discectomy; Discoscopy; Lumbar disc herniation; The curative effect

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