Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine
Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2022; 1: (11) ; 10.12208/j.jmnm.202200679 .
总浏览量: 373
河北省保定市定兴县医院 河北保定
*通讯作者: 刘磊,单位:河北省保定市定兴县医院 河北保定;
目的 观察分析护理干预对老年高血脂合并糖尿病患者临床应用效果,同时针对患者血糖、血 脂数据变化作详细记录,为临床医学提供数据参考。方法 研究样本均选自 2021 年 7 月---2022 年 7 月间, 在我院接受住院治疗的老年高血脂症合并糖尿病患者,参与人数共计 120 例,随机进行数字编号,以单双 数字方法分组方法为标准,均分两组,为单数组患者实施常规护理作为对照组,双数组给予综合护理干预, 并作为研究组,分析研究两组患者相关数据成效。结果 研究组患者血糖数据:空腹血糖(6.55±1.10)餐后 2 小时血糖(8.46±2.06)相比另一组(8.34±2.89)(9.20±2.68)差异显著 P<0.05,自我管理依从相关五项 数据优于另一组 P<0.05,护理满意度数据(98.33%)与另一组(76.67%)显示较高优势性,P<0.05 表明 统计学意义。结论 护理干预有助于老年高脂血症合并糖尿病患者对血糖、血脂进行控制,有效缓解患者临 床症状,同时提高患者,自我护理及健康意识,应用中表明重要意义,建议推广应用。
Objective To observe and analyze the clinical application effect of nursing intervention in elderly patients with hyperlipidemia and diabetes, and to make detailed records of the changes of patient blood glucose and blood lipid data, so as to provide data reference for clinical medicine. Methods study samples are selected from July 2021-July 2022, in our hospital hospitalized elderly hyperlipidemia with diabetes patients, a total of 120 cases, random number, single double numerical method grouping method as standard, divided into two groups, for single group patients implement routine care as a control group, double group give comprehensive care intervention, and as a research group, analyze the study of the two groups of patients related data results. Results Blood glucose data in the study group: fasting blood glucose (6.55 ± 1.10), P <0.05, self-management compliance, P <0.05, and care satisfaction data (98.33%) and another group (76.67% ) . P <0.05 indicates statistical significance. Conclusion Nursing intervention is helpful for elderly patients with hyperlipidemia and diabetes to control blood sugar and blood lipid, effectively relieve the clinical symptoms of patients, and improve patients' self-care and health awareness. It shows great significance and suggests promotion and application.
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