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Journal of Research in Primary and Secondary Education

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Journal of Research in Primary and Secondary Education. 2022; 1: (3) ; 10.12208/j.jrpe.20220047 .

On improving the effective teaching strategy of junior middle school mathematics

作者: 邱金花 *

江西省赣州市大余县教科体局 江西赣州

*通讯作者: 邱金花,单位:江西省赣州市大余县教科体局 江西赣州;

引用本文: 邱金花 浅谈提升初中数学有效性教学策略[J]. 中小学教育研究, 2022; 1: (3) : 72-75.
Published: 2022/12/28 17:43:40



关键词: 初中数学;课程有效性分析;教学策略


The basic research concept of effective teaching theory originates from the large-scale and effective scientific reform movement of teachingefficiency in the western education field since the first half of the 1990s in the United States. After the emergence of a large-scale scientific verification and reform practice movement of teaching efficiency under the influence of western American pragmatism philosophy theory and western new behaviorism psychology research methodology, It has attracted the attention of contemporary scholars in the United States and mainstream modern education and management scholars in other countries. Effective teaching theory itself is built on the premise of effective teaching research, which is an established reality.

Key words: Junior high school mathematics; Analysis of curriculum effectiveness; Teaching Strategies

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