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Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine

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Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2022; 1: (10) ; 10.12208/j.jmnm.202200627 .

Humanized obstetric care

作者: 王雪飞 *, 于珊珊

北京大学第一医院 北京

*通讯作者: 王雪飞,单位:北京大学第一医院 北京;

引用本文: 王雪飞, 于珊珊 人性化产科护理[J]. 现代护理医学杂志, 2022; 1: (10) : 103-105.
Published: 2022/12/2 11:08:06


目的 产科是一个有特色的科室,患者特殊,其是帮助孕产妇保健,辅助产妇分娩的科室,妊 娠、分娩是女性独有的自然生理状态之一,分娩过程是指母体孕育胎儿结束阶段,胎儿脱离母体成为自然 生物个体的存在。近些年我国医疗卫生事业不断发展,医疗水平进步的同时,人们对临床的护理需求也在 不断提高,大多数产妇在妊娠、分娩过程中时常出现多度担忧的问题,导致在整个围生期都处于焦虑、抑 郁的情绪中,若是负面心理情绪比较严重,会使产妇出现心理应激反应,这将严重影响分娩的成功率,关 系到二个生命的安危。以往传统护理模式是以疾病为中心,但随着经济社会的发展已经逐渐转变为以患者 为中心的护理模式,人们对于产科护理的要求也由单纯的基础护理转变成更体现以人为本,以孕产妇为中 心的人性化护理,通过高质量的护理服务改善临床护理质量,从而全面提升产科整体护理工作水平,在这 一过程中,人性化护理就显得尤为重要。

关键词: 产科;孕产妇;人性化护理


Objective is a distinctive department with special patients. It is a department that helps pregnant and lying in women's health care and assists them in childbirth. Pregnancy and childbirth are one of the unique natural physiological states of women. The process of childbirth refers to the end of maternal pregnancy and fetus, when the fetus leaves the mother and becomes a natural biological individual.In recent years, with the continuous development of China's medical and health cause and the improvement of medical level, people's demand for clinical care is also increasing. Most of the pregnant women often have many worries during pregnancy and childbirth, which leads to anxiety and depression throughout the perinatal period. If the negative psychological emotions are serious, the pregnant women will have psychological stress reaction, which will seriously affect the success rate of delivery, It concerns the safety of two lives. In the past, the traditional nursing mode was disease centered, but with the development of the economy and society, it has gradually changed to a patient centered nursing mode. People's requirements for obstetric care have also changed from simple basic care to more people-oriented, maternal centered humanistic care. Through high-quality nursing services, clinical nursing quality has been improved, so as to comprehensively improve the overall level of obstetric care. In this process, Humanized nursing is particularly important.

Key words: Obstetrics; Pregnant and lying in women; Humanized nursing

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