Journal of Engineering Research
Journal of Engineering Research. 2022; 1: (6) ; 10.12208/j.jer.20220190 .
总浏览量: 546
武汉东湖学院 湖北武汉
*通讯作者: 陶佳成,单位:武汉东湖学院 湖北武汉;
Cloud computing technology is a new cloud computing technology in recent years, it is a kind of computing, storage, network resources for multiple users to share the use of technology, that is, to provide users with the ability to obtain, process and store data without the need for additional resources. In a sense, cloud computing is a platform for storage. We can regard the data generated in the Internet of Things as data that can be stored on this platform, and regard the data stored on this platform as a "data warehouse" or "intelligent brain".
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