Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine
Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2022; 1: (9) ; 10.12208/j.jmnm.202200584 .
总浏览量: 393
苏州弘慈血液病医院 江苏苏州
*通讯作者: 徐秋华,单位:苏州弘慈血液病医院 江苏苏州;
目的 探讨在贫血患者的诊断中进行血常规检验并观察红细胞参数的应用价值。方法 选取 2021 年 6 月到 2022 年 6 月我院收治的 90 例贫血患者,根据患者贫血类型将其分成地中海贫血(n=45)与缺铁 性贫血(n=45),另选取同期在我院接受体检的健康非贫血者(n=90),所有受检者均接受血常规检验, 对比两组红细胞参数检验结果、贫血者中地中海贫血与缺铁性贫血者红细胞参数检查结果。结果 研究组贫 血者与同期对照组健康者相比,RBC、Hb、MCHC、MCV、MCH 均较低,RDW 较高,P<0.05;缺铁性贫 血患者与同期地中海贫血患者相比,RBC、RDW、MCV 水平均较高,Hb、MCHC 水平较低,P<0.05,而 两个组 MCH 水平差异不明显,P>0.05。结论 在贫血患者的临床诊断中运用血常规检验并观察红细胞参数 可判断是否发生贫血以及鉴别贫血类型,有利于临床医生制定对症治疗方案,建议推广并应用。
Objective To explore the application value of blood routine examination and observation of red blood cell parameters in the diagnosis of anemia patients. Methods 90 patients with anemia admitted to our hospital from June 2021 to June 2022 were selected, and they were divided into thalassemia (n=45) and iron deficiency anemia (n=45) according to the type of anemia. In addition, healthy non anemia patients (n=90) who received physical examination in our hospital at the same time were selected. All the patients received blood routine test, and the results of red blood cell parameters test of the two groups, thalassemia and iron deficiency anemia were compared. Results RBC, Hb, MCHC, MCV, MCH were lower and RDW was higher in the study group than in the control group (P<0.05); Compared with thalassemia patients in the same period, the levels of RBC, RDW and MCV in iron deficiency anemia patients were higher, while the levels of Hb and MCHC were lower (P<0.05), while the levels of MCH in the two groups were not significantly different (P>0.05). Conclusion The use of blood routine test and observation of red blood cell parameters in the clinical diagnosis of anemia patients can determine whether anemia occurs and identify anemia types, which is helpful for clinicians to formulate symptomatic treatment plans, and it is recommended to promote and apply.
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