Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine
Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2022; 1: (9) ; 10.12208/j.jmnm.202200556 .
总浏览量: 382
河北中石油中心医院 河北廊坊
*通讯作者: 武毅,单位:河北中石油中心医院 河北廊坊;
目的 研究分析在重症胰腺炎中采取健康教育的应用价值。方法 选取我院在 2021 年 4 月-2022 年 8 月期间收治的重症胰腺炎患者作为研究对象,纳入至研究的患者共计 60 例,按照随机抽签法,将患者 划分为数量相同的两组,30 例观察组与 30 例对照组。两组患者均需要采取常规护理,观察组在此基础上采 取健康教育。对比分析两组在干预后的遵医行为。结果 从两组患者的遵医行为和复发情况方面进行对比分 析,在干预后,两组的总遵医率和复发率存在明显差异,观察组的总遵医率高于对照组,复发率则要低于 对照组,差异有显著性(P<0.05)。结论 在重症胰腺炎患者中,采取健康教育有着积极作用,能够提高患 者的遵医行为,积极配合临床治疗,从而有利于降低疾病的复发风险,具有推广价值。
Objective To study and analyze the application value of health education in severe pancreatitis. Methods The patients with severe pancreatitis admitted in our hospital from April 2021 to August 2022 were selected as the study objects. A total of 60 patients were included in the study. According to the random drawing method, the patients were divided into two groups with the same number, 30 cases in the observation group and 30 cases in the control group. The patients in both groups needed routine nursing, and the observation group took health education on this basis. Compare and analyze the compliance behavior of the two groups after intervention. Results A comparative analysis was made on the compliance behavior and recurrence of the two groups of patients. After intervention, there was a significant difference in the total compliance rate and recurrence rate between the two groups. The total compliance rate in the observation group was higher than that in the control group, while the recurrence rate was lower than that in the control group, with a significant difference (P<0.05). Conclusion In patients with severe pancreatitis, health education plays a positive role, can improve patients' compliance behavior, and actively cooperate with clinical treatment, which is conducive to reducing the risk of disease recurrence, and has the value of promotion.
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