Journal of Research in Primary and Secondary Education
Journal of Research in Primary and Secondary Education. 2022; 1: (3) ; 10.12208/j.jrpe.20220038 .
总浏览量: 613
怀化学院武陵山片区基础教育研究中心,怀化学院教育科学学院 湖南怀化
怀化学院学科建设与发展规划处 湖南怀化
怀化学院武陵山片区基础教育研究中心,怀化学院教育科学学院 湖南怀化
*通讯作者: 罗德红,单位:怀化学院武陵山片区基础教育研究中心,怀化学院教育科学学院 湖南怀化;
The analysis of group discussion recording assignments of 217 normal students in a local applied university shows that 54.38% and 30.87% of normal students chose family education and school education as the first importance, respectively. The former group thought that family education laid a lifelong foundation for the development of individual morality, habits and personality. The latter group thought that school education is the first important due to the teacher professionalism and the systematic, planned and purposeful nature of educational activities. The current pedagogy curriculum and instruction of normal students provided very limited family education knowledge, which is insufficient for normal students to serve parents well based on Family Education Promotion Law after they graduate. It is suggested that the textbook contents of family education for normal students should be updated and enriched, and the curriculum standard of teacher education should be revised, setting up family education curriculum as a required course.
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