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Scientific Development Research . 2022; 2: (7) ; 10.12208/j.sdr.20220204 .

Problems and optimization measures in forestry survey planning and design in the new era

作者: 王琳琳 *

南城县林业资源保护发展中心 江西抚州

*通讯作者: 王琳琳,单位:南城县林业资源保护发展中心 江西抚州;

引用本文: 王琳琳 新时期林业调查规划设计存在的问题及优化措施[J]. 科学发展研究, 2022; 2: (7) : 96-98.
Published: 2022/11/28 1:41:44



关键词: 林业调查规划设计;内容;问题;优化措施


Forestry investigation planning and design work is of great significance to the development of social economy, but at present our forestry work still has many problems due to the limitation of various factors. Therefore, in order to improve the quality of forestry production and promote the healthy and sustainable development of Chinese forestry, the forestry investigation planning and design operation is summarized and its importance in forestry production is analyzed. The application strategies of forestry survey planning and design in forestry production are put forward from the aspects of establishing perfect system, strengthening the information construction of forestry survey planning and design, perfecting the legal system, paying attention to the promotion of the professional comprehensive quality of staff and paying attention to the field investigation and data updating. This PAPER discusses and analyzes the problems existing in forestry investigation planning and design, and puts forward scientific and reasonable optimization measures to promote its good development.

Key words: forestry survey planning and design; Content; Issue; Optimization measures

参考文献 References

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