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Scientific Development Research . 2022; 2: (7) ; 10.12208/j.sdr.20220196 .

How to conduct network film and television marketing in the era of big Data

作者: 徐隽文 *

西安翻译学院 陕西西安

*通讯作者: 徐隽文,单位:西安翻译学院 陕西西安;

引用本文: 徐隽文 在大数据时代如何进行网络影视营销[J]. 科学发展研究, 2022; 2: (7) : 41-43.
Published: 2022/11/28 0:26:49



关键词: 影视大数据技术;网络影视数字营销;路径研究路径研究


Film and television network marketing as a product of impact of network technology, it is because of technology and the gradual fusion of cultural industry associations, makes the film and television to change its traditional transmission mode, mode of production and existence, the experience way, big data as a new technology developed in recent years, inevitably to the broad and deep impact on network television marketing. In the era of big data, the data of network film and television show the forms of multi-source, fragmented and dispersed. The technology mining, information integration and analysis of big data can effectively extract the demand motivation behind the behavior, which is conducive to the accuracy of network film and television marketing, and improve the ability of product sales and market prediction.

Key words: Big data; Network film and television marketing; The path to study

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