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Scientific Development Research . 2022; 2: (7) ; 10.12208/j.sdr.20220180 .

An exploration on the influencing factors and adjustment strategies of college students' entrepreneurial cognition

作者: 王凤 *

湖南工商大学 湖南长沙

*通讯作者: 王凤,单位:湖南工商大学 湖南长沙;

引用本文: 王凤 大学生创业认知影响因素与调整策略探究[J]. 科学发展研究, 2022; 2: (7) : 20-22.
Published: 2022/11/27 23:49:01



关键词: 大学生;创业认知;影响因素;调整策略


under the background of new era, the number of college graduates is becoming more and more college students' employment pressure increasing, the ability of the college students' entrepreneurial intention and entrepreneurship has become the focus of attention of all walks of life college students entrepreneurial cognition affected by various factors, leading to its pioneering consciousness is not strong, entrepreneurship problems such as insufficient gradually obvious. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the importance of college students' entrepreneurship, deeply analyze the influencing factors of college students' entrepreneurship cognition, and take effective adjustment strategies in time to enhance college students' entrepreneurial consciousness.

Key words: College students; Cognition of entrepreneurship; Influencing factors; Adjust the strategy

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