Journal of Electrical Engineering and Automation
Journal of Electrical Engineering and Automation. 2022; 1: (4) ; 10.12208/j.jeea.20220046 .
总浏览量: 410
国能神皖马鞍山发电有限责任公司 安徽马鞍山
*通讯作者: 刘杰,单位:国能神皖马鞍山发电有限责任公司 安徽马鞍山;
Water wall tube leakage occurred in the operation of a 330MW boiler in a power plant. Through macroscopic observation and metallographic and hardness inspection of the leaking parts, it was found that the outer wall of the leaking part of water wall tube was partially blown, and there were three inclusions near the right edge of the leaking part of the inner wall. The reason analysis of the water wall tube leakage is that the base material contains inclusions, which causes the leakage due to insufficient strength during operation.
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