International Medical Research Frontier
International Medical Research Frontier. 2022; 6: (6) ; 10.12208/j.imrf.20220215 .
总浏览量: 403
牛场中心卫生院 贵州福泉
*通讯作者: 龙桂英,单位:牛场中心卫生院 贵州福泉;
目的 探究小儿营养不良使用保健方法和临床保健指导的效果。方法 文章研究时间2021年2月到2022年5月,共选取研究患者60人,均来自我院公共卫生科,将上述研究对象随机分成研究组(保健指导+保健方法)、对照组(予常规营养治疗),每组30人,比对综合疗效。结果 干预前,2组小儿各项营养指标整体较差,干预后,研究组小儿血红蛋白、血清铁水平明显升高,各项体格指标(身高、胸围和体重)也优于对照组,P<0.05;干预前病人各项情绪量表得分情况无明显差异,干预后研究组小儿焦虑和抑郁分值均显著降低。结论 对营养不良小儿在常规营养治疗基础上进行保健方法指导,可改善小儿各项营养指标,缓解儿童负面情绪,提高家长满意度。
Objective To explore the effect of using health care methods and clinical health care guidance in children with malnutrition. Methods from February 2021 to may 2022, a total of 60 patients were selected from the public health department of our hospital. The above subjects were randomly divided into the study group (health care guidance + health care methods) and the control group (routine nutrition treatment), with 30 people in each group. The comprehensive effects were compared. Results before the intervention, the nutritional indexes of children in the two groups were generally poor. After the intervention, the hemoglobin and serum iron levels of children in the study group were significantly higher, and the physical indexes (height, chest circumference and weight) were also better than those in the control group (P < 0.05); Before the intervention, there was no significant difference in the scores of various emotional scales of the patients. After the intervention, the scores of anxiety and depression of the children in the study group were significantly reduced; The satisfaction scores of children and parents in the study group were significantly higher (P < 0.05). Conclusion on the basis of routine nutrition treatment, the guidance of health care methods for malnourished children can improve the nutritional indexes of children, alleviate the negative emotions of children and improve the satisfaction of parents.
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