Journal of Engineering Research
Journal of Engineering Research. 2022; 1: (5) ; 10.12208/j.jer.20220169 .
总浏览量: 474
济南市保障性住房服务中心 山东济南
*通讯作者: 白树文,单位:济南市保障性住房服务中心 山东济南;
Economic development has led to the rise of the property business, but in the process of housing construction, leakage of external walls is a relatively common phenomenon and a relatively difficult problem to solve, the leakage of external walls is usually not caused by a single factor, which also causes the problem of leakage of external walls requires a variety of engineering technologies to cooperate with each other, once a certain link has a problem, it will lead to leakage of external walls, which leads to a variety of problems in the subsequent process, causing unnecessary trouble for residents. This can lead to a variety of problems in the subsequent process, causing unnecessary problems for residents. Therefore, the effective solution to the problem of external wall leakage has become the key to the construction of houses.
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