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Journal of Engineering Research. 2022; 1: (5) ; 10.12208/j.jer.20220163 .

Industrial test study on the application of KLM vertical mill to the first stage mill in a concentrator

作者: 陶云肖 *, 王小候, 李余昆

云南锡业集团大屯锡矿 云南个旧

*通讯作者: 陶云肖,单位:云南锡业集团大屯锡矿 云南个旧;

引用本文: 陶云肖, 王小候, 李余昆 KLM型立磨机应用于某选厂一段磨的工业试验研究[J]. 工程学研究, 2022; 1: (5) : 51-55.
Published: 2022/11/16 17:15:35



关键词: 立磨机;磨矿介质;细磨;吨能耗


In order to provide a basis for further improving the grinding efficiency and reducing the cost of fine-grained materials of tin-copper co-biore in a dressing plant, the vertical mill grinding test study was carried out on the products on the Dreke screen of 4000 tons/day for a stage grinding ore, so as to improve the grinding efficiency and reduce the flow return, so as to keep the ore size stable at 200 mesh content more than 40% at the same timeThe metal rate of 0.010mm in grinding products is less than 10%. The industrial practice shows that the KLM type vertical mill isThe utility model relates to an energy saving and efficient grinding equipment suitable for fine grinding and regrinding of metal ore.

Key words: vertical mill; Grinding medium; Fine grinding ton energy consumption

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