Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine
Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2022; 1: (6) ; 10.12208/j.jmnm.202200356 .
总浏览量: 580
内蒙古通辽市医院护理部 内蒙通辽
*通讯作者: 张志芳,单位:内蒙古通辽市医院护理部 内蒙通辽;
目的 在基于“互联网+”背景下院校协同虚拟仿真实验教学体系的构建与应用研究课题基础上, 分析“互联网+”延续性康复护理模式在脊髓损伤患者中的应用效果及价值。方法 在 2021 年 1 月-2022 年 1 期间于我院接受治疗的脊髓损伤患者中筛选出 100 例参与本次研究,根据患者自行选取护理措施为依据, 将其均分两组(研究组、参照组),研究组采用“互联网+”延续性康复护理模式、参照组采用延续性康复护 理模式,鉴于两组护理不同,故对患者临床 ALD 评分、SAS 评分、SDS 评分、生存质量评分、护理满意度 等数据进行统计,并将获得数据进行组间对比。结果 统计结果显示,出院 1 年后患者 ALD、SAS、SDS 评 分研究组各项评分更具优势性,明显低于参照组评分;患者出院后每个时间段生活质量评分均以研究组显 高于参照组;护理总满意度研究组 49(98.00%)占比高于参照组 40(80.00%);两组数据比对后差异明显, 对比结果 P<0.05。结论 研究表明,“互联网+”延续性康复护理模式在脊髓损伤患者中的应用效果显著,患 者日常生活活动能力得到明显提升,同时患者不良情绪得到很大程度改善,生活质量情况显著提高,护理 效果令患者满意,具有应用及推广价值。
Objective Based on the construction and application of college collaborative virtual simulation experiment teaching system under the background of "Internet +", the application effect and value of "Internet +" continuous rehabilitation nursing mode in spinal cord injury patients are analyzed. Methods In January 2021 - January 2022 in our hospital for treatment of 100 cases of patients with spinal cord injury of scent in participating in this study, according to the patients to choose nursing measures on the basis of the split in the two groups (group, control group), the team with "Internet +" continuity of rehabilitation nursing mode, control group adopts continuity rehabilitation nursing mode, In view of the differences in nursing between the two groups, the clinical ALD score, SAS score, SDS score, quality of life score, nursing satisfaction and other data were statistically analyzed, and the obtained data were compared between the groups. Results The statistical results showed that ALD, SAS and SDS scores of the study group were more dominant than those of the reference group one year after discharge. The quality of life scores in the study group were significantly higher than those in the reference group at each time period after discharge. The total satisfaction rate of the study group was 49 (98.00%), which was higher than that of the reference group 40 (80.00%). There were significant differences between the two groups of data after comparison, and the comparison result was P < 0.05. Conclusion the study showed that "Internet +" continuity of rehabilitation nursing model application in the patients with spinal cord injury, patients improved obviously with daily life activities ability, bad mood patient were greatly improved at the same time, the quality of life was significantly improved, patients satisfaction of nursing effect, application and popularization value.
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