Scientific Development Research
Scientific Development Research . 2022; 2: (5) ; 10.12208/j.sdr.20220156 .
总浏览量: 489
西安培华学院 陕西西安
*通讯作者: 高佳馨,单位:西安培华学院 陕西西安;
随着互联网新时代的到来,人们的生活方式和文化消费方式产生了巨大变化, 与此同时,文化传播的形式日渐趋向多元化。从几年前故宫文创的兴起到如今各个博物馆都逐步推出了具有自身特色的文创产品,利用短视频等新型媒介让枯燥的历史文物走出空间限制,来到每个人的身边,实现文化传承和发扬的目的。地方文创景区也应在新媒体的辅助下创新和发展运营思路,实现自我革新。本文旨在探讨在互联网时代下,借助短视频平台、小程序开发、实景AR沉浸技术及解谜游戏阅读等线上流媒体宣传形式,探寻地方文创景区的新媒体传播策略。
With the arrival of the new era of the Internet, people's lifestyles and cultural consumption patterns have undergone great changes. At the same time, the forms of cultural communication are increasingly diversified.From the rise of cultural creativity in the Forbidden City a few years ago to the emergence of cultural and creative products with their own characteristics in various museums, we will find that the use of new media such as short videos allows boring historical relics to go out of space restrictions and come to everyone's side, which realizes the purpose of cultural heritage and development. Local cultural and creative scenic spots should also innovate and develop operation ideas under the assistance of new media to realize self-innovation. This paper aims to explore the new media communication strategies of local cultural and creative scenic spots in the Internet era by means of online streaming media publicity forms such as short video platform, small program development, real scene AR immersion technology and puzzle game reading.
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