Scientific Development Research
Scientific Development Research . 2022; 2: (5) ; 10.12208/j.sdr.20220154 .
总浏览量: 329
山东青年政治学院 山东济南
*通讯作者: 李哲,单位:山东青年政治学院 山东济南;
The number of college graduates has been increasing year by year. At the same time, affected by the epidemic, students in many areas have missed the golden period of finding a job and signing up for employment, and many enterprises can not normally carry out talent recruitment, which brings unprecedented challenges to the employment of college graduates. College graduates are also facing great pressure. For those key universities of 985 and 211, the impact of this environment may be relatively small, but for ordinary undergraduate, junior college and private colleges, the employment of graduates has become a headache. With the advancement of college education reform in the new era and the deepening of ideological and political education, the concept of "three-whole education" has been integrated into the teaching process, including the three aspects of "full education", "all-round education" and "whole-course education". This article mainly three whole educational horizon, slow college graduates employment problem solving path on the relevant analysis and discussion for the center, the first of three of the whole educational content were summarized, and the current situation the employment of university graduates now put forward a practical and effective way to solve, from the perspective of different implementation to solve the problems of the employment of university graduates.
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