Scientific Development Research
Scientific Development Research . 2022; 2: (5) ; 10.12208/j.sdr.20220147 .
总浏览量: 454
浙江工商大学法学院 浙江杭州
*通讯作者: 王思博,单位:浙江工商大学法学院 浙江杭州;
目的 决策是权力运行的起点,决策事项能否被编制进重大行政决策目录,决定了其是否适用《重大行政决策程序暂行条例》(以下简称《条例》),因此重大行政决策目录管理是实现科学、民主、依法决策,建设法治政府的关键所在。重大行政决策的界定是目录管理运行的基础与前提,对该问题的研究应以重大行政决策概念界定和认定标准为理论基础,结合地方目录管理的实践经验,从实体和程序两方面提供保障。方法 本文的研究方法为文献分析法、法律文本分析法和实证分析法。文献分析法是学术研究的起点,法律文本分析法是法学研究的方法之一。《条例》作为中央层面的对重大行政决策进行规制的行政法规,位阶层级较高,研究意义重大,除《条例》外,地方人民政府及其工作部门还制定了大量和重大行政决策相关的规章、规范性文件。对这些法律文本进行分析,提炼出它们的共性,找到其中的差异并分析其背后的价值取向,将其上升为理论,是本文的研究路径。除此之外,本文还运用了实证分析法,通过对有关重大行政决策的裁判文书进行研究,得出理论方面的结论。结果 重大行政决策的界定是目录管理运行的基础与前提,对该问题的研究应以重大行政决策概念界定和认定标准为理论基础,结合地方目录管理的实践经验,从实体和程序两方面提供保障。重大行政决策概念界定应放在行政法学框架内,宜定性为行政行为。认定标准方面要定性分析和定量分析相结合,范围宜宽不宜窄。目前,目录管理仍存在较严重的碎片化问题,目录管理规范性文件尚未在全国范围内扩展,地方对于重大行政决策事项目录管理并没有全面落实,目录管理固定重大行政决策事项的价值功能没有得到实现。结论 需要树立整体思维,实现目录管理的整体化建设,制定重大行政决策目录管理办法的总则性规定,使目录管理建设从碎片化走向整体化,实现重大行政决策法治化,为法治中国和法治政府建设起到积极的推动作用。
Objective Decision making is the starting point of power operation. Whether decision-making matters can be compiled into the catalog of major administrative decisions determines whether they are applicable to the Provisional Regulations on Procedures for Major Administrative Decisions (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations). Therefore, the management of the catalog of major administrative decisions is the key to achieving scientific, democratic and law based decisions and building a government ruled by law. The definition of major administrative decisions is the basis and premise for the operation of directory management. The research on this issue should be based on the definition of the concept of major administrative decisions and the criteria for recognition, combined with the practical experience of local directory management, to provide guarantees from both substantive and procedural aspects. Methods The research methods of this paper are literature analysis, legal text analysis and empirical analysis. Literature analysis is the starting point of academic research, and legal text analysis is one of the methods of legal research. As an administrative regulation at the central level that regulates major administrative decisions, the Regulations are of high rank and significant research significance. In addition to the Regulations, local people's governments and their working departments have also formulated a large number of rules and normative documents related to major administrative decisions. It is the research path of this paper to analyze these legal texts, extract their commonalities, find their differences, analyze their value orientation behind, and turn them into theories. In addition, this paper also uses the empirical analysis method to draw a theoretical conclusion by studying the judgment documents related to major administrative decisions. Result The definition of major administrative decisions is the basis and premise for the operation of directory management. The research on this issue should be based on the definition of the concept of major administrative decisions and the criteria for recognition, combined with the practical experience of local directory management, to provide guarantees from both substantive and procedural aspects. The definition of the concept of major administrative decision-making should be placed within the framework of administrative law and should be characterized as administrative act. In terms of identification criteria, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis should be combined, and the scope should be wide rather than narrow. At present, there is still a serious fragmentation problem in directory management. The normative documents of directory management have not been expanded nationwide. Local directory management of major administrative decision-making matters has not been fully implemented. The value function of directory management to fix major administrative decision-making matters has not been realized. Conclusion It is necessary to establish a holistic thinking, realize the integrated construction of directory management, formulate the general provisions of directory management methods for major administrative decisions, make directory management construction move from fragmentation to integration, realize the legalization of major administrative decisions, and play a positive role in promoting the construction of a rule of law China and a rule of law government.
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