Scientific Development Research
Scientific Development Research . 2022; 2: (5) ; 10.12208/j.sdr.20220146 .
总浏览量: 713
北京邮电大学经济管理学院 北京
黑龙江省科学技术协会 哈尔滨
*通讯作者: 赵人行,单位:北京邮电大学经济管理学院 北京;
目的 通过计划行为理论(Theory of Planned Behavior—TPB)和保护动机理论融合,构建远程心电监护采纳模型,旨在解释用户对远程心电监护的采纳意愿的影响机制。方法 采用问卷调查形式,回收364份问卷,得到有效问卷336份,通过构建结构方程模型进行分析。结果 结构方程检验支持7个假设。兼容性、主观规范、感知疾病易感性、个人创新性、反应效能、自我效能可促进使用意愿。反应效能和自我效能对使用意愿正向影响最大,反应成本对使用意愿的负向影响非常显著。结论 反应效能和自我效能的提升可促进远程心电监护采纳,同时反应成本很可能导致服务不被采纳。服务提供者和相应开发商,可更多将有效服务推广给目标群体,提升体验,使操作更为人性化,提升反应效能和自我效能,与加强用户培训和指导,降低采纳可能带来的时间成本和资金支出,促进服务采纳。
Objective To construct the adoption behavior model of remote Electrocardiograph (ECG) monitoring by integrating the theory of planned behavior and protective motivation, in order to explain the influencing mechanism of use intention to adopt the remote ECG monitoring Methods 364 questionnaires were collected.336 valid questionnaires were obtained. The structural equation model was constructed to analyze the results. Result The structural equation test supported proposed hypotheses: compatibility,subjective normative, perceived disease susceptibility,response-efficacy and self-efficacy could positively influence the use intention to adopt remote ECG monitoring; response-efficacy and self-efficacy has the most positive influence on behavior intention, while response cost has the most significant negative effect on use intention. Conclusion The improvement of response-efficacy and self-efficacy could promote the adoption of remote ECG monitoring service, while response-cost could probably fail the adoption of remote ECG monitoring service. The service provider and the developers, could promote effective service to the target users, to guarantee a better experience in order to enhance the response-efficacy and self-efficacy. They could also strengthen the training and guidance for users, to reduce the response cost , promoting the adoption of services.
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