Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine
Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2022; 1: (5) ; 10.12208/j. jmnm.202200287 .
总浏览量: 432
酒泉市中医医院 甘肃酒泉
*通讯作者: 马红霞,单位:酒泉市中医医院 甘肃酒泉;
目的 对常规胃管进行适当的加工改进后用毛线或人字带等棉制品取代胶带固定,降低胃管脱 出率,避免胶带对皮肤的刺激和粘贴不牢易松动所带来的不便。方法 在胃管出鼻孔处(成人 45 ㎝-55 ㎝处, 婴幼儿 14 ㎝-18 ㎝处),用胶水粘贴一块 2 ㎝×2 ㎜的硅橡胶皮,两头粘贴,中间留出空隙,将毛线或人字带 穿过此空隙处进行固定。结果 通过应用此方法进行胃管固定,明显降低了脱出率,增加了病人舒适度,减 轻了护士工作量。结论 此胃管固定方法通过临床应用取得了满意的效果,固定方便牢固,不易脱出,提高 了护理满意度,增进了护患和谐。
Objective after proper processing and improvement of the conventional gastric tube, cotton products such as wool or herringbone tape are used to replace the tape for fixation, so as to reduce the rate of gastric tube prolapse, and avoid the irritation of the tape to the skin and the inconvenience caused by the loose adhesive tape. Methods glue a piece of 2 cm at the nostril of the gastric tube (45 cm-55 cm for adults and 14 cm-18 cm for infants) × 2 ㎜ silicone rubber cover shall be pasted at both ends, with a gap left in the middle, and wool or herringbone tape shall be fixed through this gap. Results by using this method to fix the gastric tube, the prolapse rate was significantly reduced, the comfort of patients was increased, and the workload of nurses was reduced. Conclusion this gastric tube fixation method has achieved satisfactory results through clinical application. The fixation is convenient and firm, and it is not easy to come out, which improves nursing satisfaction and improves the harmony between nurses and patients.
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