Journal of Electrical Engineering and Automation
Journal of Electrical Engineering and Automation. 2022; 1: (3) ; 10.12208/j.jeea.20220036 .
总浏览量: 493
深圳市思科为电气技术有限公司 广东深圳
*通讯作者: 夏小平,单位:深圳市思科为电气技术有限公司 广东深圳;
In the case of the rapid development of China's socialist economy, all walks of life are constantly developing and changing, among which the electronic equipment is also constantly upgrading. Vector inverter is a kind of power electronic element that transforms the DC motor into a high-frequency pulse width modulation waveform. Its output voltage harmonic will affect the AC motor, resulting in the problem of power quality decline and power factor reduction. Based to the problems and defects of traditional vector control technology, the effective inhibition strategy based on APF.
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