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International Journal of Medicine and Data

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International Journal of Medicine and Data. 2022; 6: (5) ; 10.12208/j. ijmd.20220223 .

Effect of pulmonary rehabilitation on pulmonary function in stable COPD patients

作者: 田瑶 *, 蔡晓玉, 魏卓

成都市第三人民医院 四川成都

*通讯作者: 田瑶,单位:成都市第三人民医院 四川成都;

引用本文: 田瑶, 蔡晓玉, 魏卓 肺康复治疗对慢阻肺稳定期患者肺功能的影响研究[J]. 国际医学与数据杂志, 2022; 6: (5) : 134-136.
Published: 2022/10/21 16:31:48


目的 探究肺康复治疗应用于慢阻肺稳定期患者对其肺功能恢复影响。方法 2021年3月至2022年3月,择取我院呼吸内科收治的106例慢阻肺稳定期患者分为管理组(肺康复治疗)和参照组(常规康复治疗),对比疗效。结果 管理组治疗后肺功能和情绪状态改善程度高于参照组,组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 慢阻肺稳定期患者肺功能改善问题,可通过应用肺康复治疗妥善解决,建议推广该种疗法。

关键词: 肺康复;慢阻肺;稳定期;肺功能


Objective To explore the effect of pulmonary rehabilitation therapy on the recovery of pulmonary function in patients with stable COPD.
Methods: From March 2021 to March 2022, 106 patients with stable COPD admitted to the respiratory Department of our hospital were selected and divided into management group (pulmonary rehabilitation therapy) and reference group (conventional rehabilitation therapy), and the efficacy was compared.
Results: After treatment, the improvement degree of pulmonary function and emotional state in the management group was higher than that in the reference group, and the difference between the groups was statistically significant (P < 0.05).
Conclusion  : The improvement of pulmonary function in patients with stable COPD can be properly solved by pulmonary rehabilitation therapy, and it is recommended to promote this therapy.

Key words: Pulmonary rehabilitation; Copd; Stability; Lung function

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