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Journal of Engineering Research. 2022; 1: (4) ; 10.12208/j.jer.20220128 .

Analysis and Design of Intelligent Monitoring System for Open Drilling ill

作者: 贺爱平 *

国家能源集团神延煤炭西湾露天煤矿 陕西榆林

*通讯作者: 贺爱平,单位:国家能源集团神延煤炭西湾露天煤矿 陕西榆林;

引用本文: 贺爱平 露天矿穿孔钻机智能监控系统分析与设计[J]. 工程学研究, 2022; 1: (4) : 105-111.
Published: 2022/10/18 16:50:49


针对露天矿穿孔钻机作业过程中智能化水平低问题,以D45穿孔钻机为载体,实现钻机智能监控系统分析与设计。首先,分析钻机监控系统智能化升级的主要功能需求。其次,实现了钻机智能监控系统架构及硬件设计。最后,在炮孔相关方面,实现基于3D Mine的自动布孔功能,并借助炮孔设计参数自主接收、钻机精准定位实现智能施工引导,兼顾实现电子围栏预警、远程孔位信息管理和生成炮孔施工报告功能;在钻机状态远程监测方面,实现钻机运行状态参数监测、异常与故障报警功能。D45钻机改造升级的智能监控系统设计为穿孔作业装备的智能化提供技术支持,推进了智慧化矿山建设。

关键词: 露天矿穿孔钻机;智能化;监控系统


In view of the low level of intelligence in the operation process of open-pit perforation drilling rig, the analysis and design of drill intelligent monitoring system are realized with D45 perforation drilling rig as the carrier. First, the main functional requirements of the intelligent upgrade of the drilling rig monitoring system are analyzed. Secondly, the drilling rig intelligent monitoring system architecture and hardware design are realized. Finally, realize 3D Mine automatic hole distribution function, with the aid of gun hole design parameters, drilling rig accurate positioning, electronic fence early warning, remote hole information management and gun hole construction report function, remote monitoring of rig state, realize the functions of rig operation state parameter monitoring, abnormality and fault alarm. The intelligent monitoring system design of D45 drilling rig transformation and upgrading provides technical support for the intelligent operation of perforating equipment, and promotes the construction of intelligent mines.

Key words: open-pit mine perforation drilling rig; intelligent; monitoring system

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