Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine
Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2022; 1: (4) ; 10.12208/j. jmnm.202200238 .
总浏览量: 396
江苏省常熟市中医院(新区医院) 江苏常熟
*通讯作者: 沈影超,单位:江苏省常熟市中医院(新区医院) 江苏常熟;
目的 对新型冠状病毒肺炎集宿区隔离人员开展中医情志护理干预,观察对比前后抑郁自评量 表值,探索有效的心理护理方法。方法 根据中医学整体观念和辨证论治理论,分析隔离人员的基本情况, 制定及实施包括五音及导气疗法在内的个体化中医情志护理措施,采用 Zung的焦虑自评量表 SAS 和抑郁 自评量表 SDS 作为测量工具分析其情绪焦虑抑郁的程度。结果 常熟市达富集宿区新型冠状病毒隔离点 5 月 10日-6月 6 日 28 天共收住 2854 例。采用 Zung的焦虑自评量表 SAS 和抑郁自评量表 SDS 作为测量工具, SAS对患者焦虑情绪进行评估,发现中度以上焦虑人员 22 例,轻度焦虑 576例;经个体化中医情志护理一 周后再次评估,中度以上焦虑人员 11 例,轻度焦虑 120 例,焦虑情况得到明显好转。讨论 个体化中医情 志护理措施可以改善集宿区新型冠状病毒隔离点人员的心理状态,对于焦虑等情况可以得到明显好转。
Objective To carry out TCM emotional nursing intervention for isolated people in COVID-19 cluster areas, observe and compare the values of depression self-rating scale before and after, and explore effective psychological nursing methods. Methods According to the holistic concept of Traditional Chinese medicine and syndrome differentiation theory, the basic situation of isolated people was analyzed, and individualized TCM emotional nursing measures including five-tone and qi guiding therapy were formulated and implemented. Zung's self-rating anxiety scale SAS and self-rating depression Scale SDS were used as measuring tools to analyze the degree of their emotional anxiety and depression. Results A total of 2854 novel Coronavirus cases were collected at the Novel Coronavirus isolation site in Da 'an Area of Changshu city during 28 days from May 10 to June 6. Zung's self-rating anxiety Scale (SAS) and self-rating depression Scale (SDS) were used as measuring tools. SAS was used to evaluate the anxiety of patients, and 22 patients with moderate anxiety and 576 patients with mild anxiety were found. After one week of individualized TCM emotional nursing, 11 cases of moderate anxiety and 120 cases of mild anxiety were evaluated again, and the anxiety situation was significantly improved. Conclusion Individual TCM emotional nursing measures can improve the psychological state of the persons in the Novel Coronavirus isolation points in the containment areas, and the anxiety and other conditions can be significantly improved.
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