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International Journal of Education

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International Journal of Education. 2022; 4: (4) ; 10.12208/j.ije.20220166 .

Practical research on Java Teaching Innovation Team in Higher Vocational Colleges

作者: 吕颍颍 *, 柳静

河南应用技术职业学院 河南郑州

*通讯作者: 吕颍颍,单位:河南应用技术职业学院 河南郑州;

引用本文: 吕颍颍, 柳静 高职院校Java教学创新团队的实践研究[J]. 国际教育学, 2022; 4: (4) : 153-155.
Published: 2022/8/31 22:16:19



关键词: 高职院校;Java;教学创新团队;实践


How to make java course teaching effectively meet the new needs of the market for skilled talents and how to reform the current teaching structure has become a problem that higher vocational colleges pay attention to. Centering on the goal of building a program java teaching innovation team, the research has been carried out from the perspectives of Java teaching content, teaching methods, assessment methods, etc., and practical and innovative reform measures and more advanced engineering education concepts have been adopted to reconstruct the teaching structure of Java courses, develop a problem driven ability oriented teaching model, build a network resource practice teaching platform, and form a teaching team with outstanding comprehensive quality.

Key words: higher vocational colleges; teaching innovation team; practice

参考文献 References





[5]宣翠仙, 邱晓华, 王成福. 面向创新人才培养的高职院校专业教学团队建设研究[J]. 黑龙江高教研究, 2021.