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International Journal of Education

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International Journal of Education. 2022; 4: (4) ; 10.12208/j.ije.20220158 .

Research on the Impact of Webcaston College Students’Herd-based Consumption Behavior under the Era of New Media

作者: 杨奎 *, 李娜

云南工商学院 云南昆明

*通讯作者: 杨奎,单位:云南工商学院 云南昆明;

引用本文: 杨奎, 李娜 新媒体时代下网络直播对大学生从众性消费行为的影响研究[J]. 国际教育学, 2022; 4: (4) : 120-125.
Published: 2022/8/31 22:08:19



关键词: 网络直播;临场感;规范性影响;从众性消费行为


In recent years, with the popularization of mobile Internet and the development of network technology, network culture has become an important part of modern social culture, which has derived a new communication mode of "media + live broadcast". This mode brings users a more profound and accurate sense of experience by virtue of its online real-time interactive promotion ability, and has gone deep into all aspects of people's life. This paper focuses on the relationship between social presence, CO presence, normative impact and college students' herd-consumption behavior in the context of webcast, which provides a theoretical basis for guiding college students to establish a correct consumption concept, and also provides strategic guidance for the benign and sustainable development of webcast marketing.

Key words: Webcast; Tele-presence; Normative Impact; Herd-based Consumption Behavior

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