International Journal of Education
International Journal of Education. 2022; 4: (4) ; 10.12208/j.ije.20220127 .
总浏览量: 496
南昌航空大学科技学院 江西九江
*通讯作者: 吴誉兰,单位:南昌航空大学科技学院 江西九江;
In the context of the rapid development of information technology, online learning platforms have become the first choice for all application-oriented undergraduate universities to carry out daily course teaching under the impact of the epidemic. In order to improve application-oriented undergraduate students' online learning effects, this paper analyzed the current situation of application-oriented undergraduate students' online learning and learning behavior characteristics. Based on the learning data set collected on Chaoxing online learning platform, this paper adopted the method of data analysis to explore the correlation between application-oriented undergraduate students' online learning behaviors and learning effects.
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