International Medical Research Frontier
International Medical Research Frontier. 2022; 6: (4) ; 10.12208/j.imrf.20220140 .
总浏览量: 395
河北中石油中心医院 河北廊坊
*通讯作者: 高洁,单位:河北中石油中心医院 河北廊坊;
目的 分析个性化护理对老年重症脑梗塞患者生活质量改善效果。方法 将2021年1月-2021年12月我院收治的88例老年重症脑梗塞患者分为对照组和实验组,对照组患者接受常规护理,实验组患者接受个性化护理,分析应用效果。结果 实验组神经功能缺损程度以及生活质量改善优于对照组,P<0.05。结论 个性化护理能够有针对性的对患者进行干预,对其神经功能的恢复有非常重要的促进作用,有效提高患者的生活质量。
Objective To analyze the effect of personalized nursing on the improvement of quality of life of elderly patients with severe cerebral infarction. Methods From January 2021 to December 2021, 88 elderly patients with severe cerebral infarction admitted to our hospital were divided into control group and experimental group, and the control group received routine nursing care, and the experimental group patients received personalized care to analyze the application effect. Results The degree of neurological defects and quality of life improvement in the experimental group were better than those in the control group, P<0.05. Conclusion Personalized care can inter- vene in patients in a targeted manner, which has a very important role in promoting the recovery of neural function and effectively improving the quality of life of patients.
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