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International Journal of Materials Science

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International Journal of Materials Science. 2022; 4: (2) ; 10.12208/j. ijms.20220007 .

An intelligent vibrating disc of ultra trathin material

作者: 刘金平 *, 吴生军, 程立武, 张博君, 陈程

深圳市高士达科技有限公司 广东深圳

*通讯作者: 刘金平,单位:深圳市高士达科技有限公司 广东深圳;


引用本文: 刘金平, 吴生军, 程立武, 张博君, 陈程 一种超薄材料的智能振动盘[J]. 国际材料科学通报, 2022; 4: (2) : 12-15.
Published: 2022/9/14 21:44:15



关键词: 振动盘;超薄材料;给料;现状分析


Intelligent vibration plate design technology is the key factor to realize the independent supply of production parts in China. In recent years, with the continuous improvement of China's industrial production automation level, the technology has been widely used in electric power, hardware, plastic, medicine, food, toys, stationery, daily necessities and other industries. The improved design of vibration plate can improve production quality, improve manufacturing accuracy, and thus reduce production cost. Under the fierce market competition and mechanical globalization trend, users have more and higher demand for efficient manufacturing quality, which also puts forward more stringent standards for the design of vibration plate.

Key words: vibrating plate; ultra-thin materials; feed; status quo analysis

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