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International Journal of Nursing Research

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International Journal of Nursing Research. 2022; 4: (6) ; 10.12208/j.ijnr.20220251 .

Influence of personalized nursing intervention on nursing satisfaction and quality of life of patients with cardiothoracic surgery

作者: 文智芬 *, 王璐璐

贵州医科大学附属医院胸外科 贵州贵阳

*通讯作者: 文智芬,单位:贵州医科大学附属医院胸外科 贵州贵阳;


引用本文: 文智芬, 王璐璐 个性化护理干预对心胸外科患者护理满意度及生活质量的影响[J]. 国际护理学研究, 2022; 4: (6) : 25-27.
Published: 2022/9/14 19:08:56


目的 对个性化护理在心胸外科的护理效果进行分析。方法 为了促进心胸外科护理水平的提升,在科室内需采取更加符合医疗标准要求的护理干预措施,研究开展对比实验,以本院80例心胸外科患者作为研究对象,将其分组后分别采取不同护理干预措施,即常规护理和个性化护理,研究目的是观察个性化护理的最终结果。结果 在研究比较后发现,观察组在护理满意度和生活质量的对比中,均优于对照组(P<0.05)。结论 在心胸外科采取个性化护理可以将患者的满意度以及生活质量均显著提升,改善科室护理水平。

关键词: 个性化护理干预;心胸外科;护理满意度;生活质量


Objective: To analyze the nursing effect of personalized nursing in cardiothoracic surgery.
Methods: In order to promote the improvement of the nursing level of cardiothoracic surgery, it is necessary to take nursing intervention measures that are more in line with the requirements of medical standards in the department. A comparative experiment was carried out. 80 patients with cardiothoracic surgery in our hospital were taken as the research objects, and they were divided into groups and received different nursing care. The interventions, namely usual care and individualized care, were studied to observe the end result of individualized care.
Results: After research comparison, it was found that the observation group was better than the control group in the comparison of nursing satisfaction and quality of life (P<0.05).
Conclusion  : Individualized nursing in cardiothoracic surgery can significantly improve patients' satisfaction and quality of life, and improve the nursing level of the department.

Key words: individualized nursing intervention; cardiothoracic surgery; nursing satisfaction; quality of life

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