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International Journal of Nursing Research

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International Journal of Nursing Research. 2022; 4: (6) ; 10.12208/j.ijnr.20220246 .

Clinical analysis of neurology nursing on stroke rehabilitation nursing

作者: 肖美利, 杨南, 刘伟春, 肖淑利 *

空军军医大学第二附属医院唐都医院 陕西西安

中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九二〇医院康复医学科 云南昆明

*通讯作者: 肖淑利,单位:中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九二〇医院康复医学科 云南昆明;


引用本文: 肖美利, 杨南, 刘伟春, 肖淑利 神经内科护理对脑卒中康复护理的临床分析[J]. 国际护理学研究, 2022; 4: (6) : 9-11.
Published: 2022/9/14 18:36:55


目的 分析对脑卒中患者的神经内科康复护理措施及其临床效果。方法 将于神经内科中选取脑卒中患者参与实验,正式开展实验时确认共纳入100例患者,经过对其进行临床专业诊断后确认符合脑卒中确诊标准,同时需采取对照实验,可将患者分配为对照组、观察组,两组患者均接受常规护理,其中观察组患者需在常规护理基础上增加康复护理,比较分析两组患者的恢复情况和护理满意度。结果 分别通过专业量表评估了两组患者的上下肢运动功能、生活活动能力、神经功能缺损水平和满意度,从结果分析可见观察组患者以上量表的评估结果均明显优于对照组,(P<0.05)。结论 对脑卒中患者实施神经内科针对性康复护理措施可帮助改善其功能障碍问题,对提高患者预后生活质量、提升护理满意度有重要帮助。

关键词: 神经内科;脑卒中;康复护理;运动功能;神经功能


Objective: To analyze the rehabilitation nursing measures and clinical effects of neurology department for stroke patients.
Methods: Stroke patients will be selected from the neurology department to participate in the experiment, and a total of 100 patients will be included when the experiment is officially launched. After clinical professional diagnosis, it is confirmed that they meet the diagnostic criteria for stroke. At the same time, a control experiment is required, and patients can be assigned. The control group and the observation group were divided into two groups. Both groups received routine nursing. The patients in the observation group needed additional rehabilitation nursing on the basis of routine nursing. The recovery and nursing satisfaction of the two groups were compared and analyzed.
Results: Professional scales were used to evaluate the motor function of the upper and lower limbs, life activity, neurological deficit and satisfaction of the two groups of patients. From the result analysis, it can be seen that the evaluation results of the above scales in the observation group were significantly better than those in the control group. (P<0.05).
Conclusion  : The implementation of targeted rehabilitation nursing measures in neurology for stroke patients can help to improve their dysfunction problems, and it is of great help to improve the prognosis and quality of life of patients and improve nursing satisfaction.

Key words: neurology; stroke; rehabilitation nursing; motor function; neurological function

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