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International Journal of Clinical Research

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International Journal of Clinical Research. 2022; 6: (8) ; 10.12208/j.ijcr.20220373 .

Study on the intervention of traditional Chinese medicine based on the theory of "Yang transforming Qi, Yin shaping" to prevent the recurrence of colorectal adenomatous polyps

作者: 傅大霖 *, 王宗明, 汪波, 何美桂, 王霞

遵义市中医院 贵州遵义

*通讯作者: 傅大霖,单位:遵义市中医院 贵州遵义;

引用本文: 傅大霖, 王宗明, 汪波, 何美桂, 王霞 基于“阳化气,阴成形”理论预防大肠腺瘤性息肉复发的中药干预研究[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2022; 6: (8) : 97-99.
Published: 2022/9/14 16:17:18


目的 分析探讨基于“阳化气,阴成形”理论预防大肠腺瘤性息肉复发的中药干预效果。方法 选取我院2021年-2022年接收治疗大肠腺瘤性息肉患者120例为观察对象,随机将其分为观察组与对照组,其中对照组患者采用常规西医治疗,观察组患者采用基于“阳化气,阴成形”理论预防治疗,将两组患者的治疗前后的中医证候评分、腺瘤数与腺瘤平均直径以及治疗后息肉复发情况进行比较。结果 治疗后半年及1年内观察组患者的各项中医证候评分均优于对照组;治疗后半年及1年内观察组患者的腺瘤数与腺瘤平均直径均较对照组有减少与缩小,治疗后1年内观察组患者复发率低于对照组,数据对比差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 基于“阳化气,阴成形”理论预防大肠腺瘤性息肉复发的中药干预效果明显,能够改善患者临床症状,降低病情复发率,值得推广与应用于临床治疗中。

关键词: “阳化气,阴成形”理论;预防;大肠腺瘤性息肉;中药干预


Objective: To analyze the effect of traditional Chinese medicine intervention on preventing recurrence of adenomatous polyps of large intestine based on the theory of "Yang transforming Qi and Yin shaping".
Methods: 120 patients with adenomatous polyps of large intestine received and treated in our hospital from 2021 to 2022 were randomly divided into observation group and control group. The patients in the control group were treated with conventional western medicine, and the patients in the observation group were treated with preventive treatment based on the theory of "Yang Qi and Yin shaping". The TCM syndrome scores, the number of adenomas and the average diameter of adenomas and the recurrence of polyps after treatment were compared between the two groups.
Results: the scores of TCM syndromes in the observation group were better than those in the control group half a year and one year after treatment; The number of adenomas and the average diameter of adenomas in the observation group were reduced and narrowed compared with that in the control group within half a year and one year after treatment. The recurrence rate of patients in the observation group was lower than that in the control group within one year after treatment, and the difference in data comparison was statistically significant (P < 0.05).
Conclusion  : Based on the theory of "Yang transforming Qi, Yin shaping", the intervention effect of traditional Chinese medicine in preventing the recurrence of colorectal adenomatous polyps is obvious, which can improve the clinical symptoms of patients and reduce the recurrence rate of the disease. It is worth popularizing and applying in clinical treatment.

Key words: the theory of "Yang turns into gas and Yin forms"; prevention; Adenomatous polyp of large intestine; Intervention of traditional Chinese Medicine

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