Journal of Engineering Research
Journal of Engineering Research. 2022; 1: (3) ; 10.12208/j.jer.20220071 .
总浏览量: 395
烟台市园林建设养护中心塔山南路绿化 山东省烟台
*通讯作者: 迟晓丰,单位:烟台市园林建设养护中心塔山南路绿化 山东省烟台;
In recent years, with the accelerating development of urban modernization in my country, the focus of urban construction has gradually shifted. In modern cities where high-rise buildings continue to rise from the ground, the embellishment of green plants has become an important component of urban appearance. This paper mainly studies the urban landscaping work, firstly discusses the pruning skills and shaping techniques of land- scaping trees, and then proposes a series of greening maintenance and management measures for reference.
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