Journal of Engineering Research
Journal of Engineering Research. 2022; 1: (3) ; 10.12208/j.jer.20220061 .
总浏览量: 394
湖南省国土空间调查监测所 湖南长沙
*通讯作者: 耿现伟,单位:湖南省国土空间调查监测所 湖南长沙;
In the process of the continuous development of our society, there is more demand for the utilization rate of land resources, which also increases the difficulty of land surveying and mapping. When surveying and mapping land and resources, staff have introduced some new technologies, such as GPS and RTK, which effectively make up for the shortcomings of traditional surveying and mapping, such as insufficient accuracy, and also reduce the pressure and burden of staff. When managing the new surveying and mapping technology, the staff need to have a comprehensive understanding of the application characteristics of all technologies, and on this basis, formulate a scientific and reasonable surveying and mapping plan, so as to fundamentally improve the quality of this work. This paper analyzes and discusses the application of RTK Surveying Technology in land surveying and mapping.
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