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International Journal of Medicine and Data. 2022; 6: (4) ; 10.12208/j.ijmd.20220176 .

Effect analysis of humanized nursing in clinical nursing

作者: 陈欣欣 *

保定市口腔医院 河北保定

*通讯作者: 陈欣欣,单位:保定市口腔医院 河北保定;

引用本文: 陈欣欣 临床护理工作中人性化护理的效果分析[J]. 国际医学与数据杂志, 2022; 6: (4) : 125-128.
Published: 2022/9/7 17:33:38


目的 阐述临床护理工作中人性化护理的效果。方法 实验起止时间为2021年6月-2022年5月,在临床中挑选出需接受相关治疗病人共计140名,将其设为研究主体对象。通过非盲法分组原则,分别纳入常规组和实验组。将开展常规护理者纳入常规组(n=70),将开展人性化护理者纳入实验组(n=70)。为观察护理落实差异,总结对比两组临床护理效果、干预前后患者心理评分、护理质量评分。结果 干预前,两组对比患者心理评分相近,对比无差异P>0.05。干预后,相较常规组,实验组患者心理评分更低,P<0.05。相较常规组,实验组护理质量评分更高,P<0.05。相较常规组,实验组临床护理效果更佳,P<0.05。结论 人性化护理工作应用于临床护理工作中可提高护理质量,获得理想护理评价,建议推广应用。

关键词: 人性化护理;临床护理;效果;质量


Objective to expound the effect of humanized nursing in clinical nursing.
Methods the starting and ending time of the experiment was 2021.06-2022.05. A total of 140 patients who needed to receive relevant treatment were selected as the main subjects of the study. According to the principle of non blind grouping, they were included in the routine group and the experimental group. Those who carried out routine nursing were included in the routine group (n = 70), and those who carried out humanized nursing were included in the experimental group (n = 70). In order to observe the difference of nursing implementation, the clinical nursing effect, psychological scores of patients before and after intervention and nursing quality scores of the two groups were summarized and compared.
Results before the intervention, the psychological scores of the two groups were similar, and there was no difference (P > 0.05). After the intervention, compared with the routine group, the psychological score of the patients in the experimental group was lower (P < 0.05). Compared with the routine group, the nursing quality score of the experimental group was higher (P < 0.05). Compared with the routine group, the clinical nursing effect of the experimental group was better (P < 0.05).
Conclusion   the application of humanized nursing in clinical nursing can improve the quality of nursing and obtain ideal nursing evaluation. It is suggested to popularize and apply it.

Key words: Humanized nursing; Clinical nursing; Effect; Quality

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