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International Journal of Clinical Research. 2022; 6: (7) ; 10.12208/j.ijcr.20220316 .

Clinical effect of early nourishing enteral nutrition in middle-aged and elderly critically ill patients in neurosurgery

作者: 陈枫 *

湖北石首市人民医院 湖北石首

*通讯作者: 陈枫,单位:湖北石首市人民医院 湖北石首;


引用本文: 陈枫 早期滋养型肠内营养在神经外科中老年重症患者中的临床效果[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2022; 6: (7) : 90-93.
Published: 2022/9/7 15:18:49


目的 探讨早期滋养型肠内营养在神经外科中老年重症患者中的临床效果。方法 选入2021年1月—2022年1月湖北石首市人民医院治疗的神经外科中老年重症患者48例,将使用早期滋养型肠内营养的24例患者作为营养组,将使用常规方法的24例患者作为常规组。对比营养组和常规组胃肠道耐受性、ICU住院、呼吸机支持、总住院时间、无器官支持时长、总蛋白和白蛋白、前白蛋白不同时间点、血液生化指标。结果 胃肠道耐受性营养组比常规组好,P<0.05;ICU住院、呼吸机支持、总住院时间营养组都比常规组短,P<0.05;无器官支持时长营养组比常规组短,P<0.05;总蛋白和白蛋白不同时间点营养组和常规组差距不明显,P>0.05;前白蛋白不同时间点营养组比常规组高,P<0.05;丙氨酸氨基转移酶、尿素氮、血清葡萄糖营养组都比常规组低,P<0.05;三酰甘油营养组和常规组差异不明显,P>0.05。结论 早期滋养型肠内营养在神经外科中老年重症患者中的临床效果比常规方法好,能够提升患者的胃肠道耐受性,缩短ICU住院时间、呼吸机支持时间,总住院时间,无器官支持时长,改善血液生化指标。

关键词: 早期滋养型肠内营养;神经外科中老年重症;临床效果


Objective: To investigate the clinical effect of early nutritional enteral nutrition in the elderly patients with severe diseases in neurosurgery.
Methods: 48 middle-aged and elderly patients with severe neurosurgery treated in Hubei Shishou people's Hospital from January 2021 to January 2022 were selected. 24 patients using early nourishing enteral nutrition were selected as the nutrition group, and 24 patients using conventional methods were selected as the routine group. Gastrointestinal tolerance, ICU admission, ventilator support, total length of hospital stay, length of non organ support, total protein and albumin, prealbumin at different time points, and blood biochemical indexes were compared between the nutrition group and the routine group.
Results: The gastrointestinal tolerance nutrition group was better than the routine group (p<0.05); ICU hospitalization, ventilator support and total hospitalization time in nutrition group were shorter than those in routine group (p<0.05); The duration without organ support in the nutritional group was shorter than that in the conventional group (p<0.05); There was no significant difference in total protein and albumin between nutrition group and routine group at different time points (p>0.05); Prealbumin in the nutrition group was higher than that in the routine group at different time points (p<0.05); Alanine aminotransferase, urea nitrogen and serum glucose in the nutrition group were lower than those in the routine group (p<0.05); There was no significant difference between triacylglycerol 5 nutrition group and routine group (p>0.05).
Conclusion  : The clinical effect of early nutritional enteral nutrition in neurosurgery middle-aged and elderly patients with severe diseases is better than that of conventional methods. It can improve gastrointestinal tolerance, shorten ICU hospitalization time, ventilator support time, total hospitalization time, no organ support time, and improve blood biochemical indexes.

Key words: Early Nourishing Enteral Nutrition; Neurosurgery: Middle Aged and Elderly Patients with Severe Diseases; Clinical Effect

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