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International Journal of Clinical Research. 2022; 6: (7) ; 10.12208/j.ijcr.20220306 .

Value analysis of MRI plain scan enhancement combined with PWI in diagnosis of patients with brain tumor

作者: 国凤高 *, 母青林

广元市第一人民医院放射科 四川广元

*通讯作者: 国凤高,单位:广元市第一人民医院放射科 四川广元;


引用本文: 国凤高, 母青林 MRI平扫增强联合PWI在颅脑肿瘤患者诊断中的价值分析[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2022; 6: (7) : 56-58.
Published: 2022/9/7 14:16:20


目的 观察MRI平扫增强联合灌注成像(PWI)在颅脑肿瘤疾病诊断中的临床价值。方法 选取本院收治的94例疑似颅脑肿瘤疾病患者为观察样本,收治时间2021年1月-2022年5月。入组患者均行MRI平扫增强及PWI检查,随访手术情况及病理结果,以病理结果为确诊的金标准,统计MRI平扫增强及PWI检查在诊断颅脑肿瘤疾病中的灵敏度、特异性及准确率。结果 本组94例疑似颅脑肿瘤疾病患者经术后病理学检查证实,86例为颅脑肿瘤患者,包括脑胶质瘤35例,脑膜瘤31例,脑转移瘤12例,淋巴瘤8例。以术后病理结果为金标准,MRI平扫增强诊断本组患者的灵敏度96.9%,特异性20.7%,准确率73.4%。MRI平扫增强联合PWI诊断本组患者的灵敏度为97.6%,特异性为60.0%,准确率为93.6%。结论 在颅脑肿瘤疾病的诊断中,MRI平扫增强联合PWI的灵敏度和准确率较高,可为临床诊断提供可靠依据,具有较高的临床应用价值。

关键词: 灌注成像;MRI;颅脑肿瘤;灵敏度


Objective: To observe the clinical value of plain enhanced MRI combined with perfusion imaging (PWI) in the diagnosis of craniocerebral tumor diseases.
Methods: A total of 94 patients with suspected craniocerebral tumor diseases admitted to our hospital from January 2021 to May 2022 were selected as observation samples. All the enrolled patients received plain ENHANCED MRI and PWI examination, and the surgical situation and pathological results were followed up. The pathological results were taken as the gold standard for diagnosis, and the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of plain enhanced MRI and PWI examination in the diagnosis of cranial tumor diseases were analyzed.
Results: In this group of 94 suspected patients with craniocerebral tumor disease, 86 cases were confirmed as craniocerebral tumor, including 35 cases of glioma, 31 cases of meningioma, 12 cases of brain metastasis and 8 cases of lymphoma. With postoperative pathological results as the gold standard, the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of MRI plain enhanced diagnosis were 96.9%, 20.7% and 73.4% respectively. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of MRI combined with PWI were 97.6%, 60.0% and 93.6% respectively.
Conclusion  : In the diagnosis of craniocerebral tumor diseases, MRI plain scan enhancement combined with PWI has high sensitivity and accuracy, which can provide reliable basis for clinical diagnosis and has high clinical application value.

Key words: Perfusion imaging; Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); Craniocerebral tumor; The sensitivity

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