International Journal of Medicine and Data
International Journal of Medicine and Data. 2022; 6: (4) ; 10.12208/j.ijmd.20220152 .
总浏览量: 346
公主岭市中心血站 吉林长春
*通讯作者: 白雪,单位:公主岭市中心血站 吉林长春;
Strengthening the continuous optimization and improvement of the management of blood bank files can not only ensure that the comprehensive management level of blood banks is further improved, but also promote medical institutions at all levels to provide more high-quality medical services for the public. Therefore, this paper analyzes in detail the practical significance of blood bank file information management, and on the basis of clearly understanding the current situation of blood bank file management, systematically sorts out the innovative ways of blood bank file information management to ensure that the efficiency of file management is effectively improved, and lays a solid foundation for further strengthening the management level and service capabilities of blood bank.
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